My Story
I grew up listening to hip-hop, and I learned the power words had to evoke certain emotions, and to educate people about the different issues affecting our communities. As an educator, I also observed that children love rhymes. That is when it hit me. Why not take advantage of children’s love of rhyme and wordplay, to create stories which teach them about topics and issues they may not necessarily read about on their own, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), self-esteem and health.
Issue 1- I Hate STEM
Children in the U.S. are struggling in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). In fact, on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) which is used for comparison of student performance in science, math and reading globally, the United States ranked 19th in science, 20th in reading and 31st in math out of 35 countries. If we do not appeal to the “Young Scientist” in our children at the early stages of academic development, we run the risk of falling behind in an increasingly competitive global economy.
Issue 2 - I Will Never be Good Enough
With increased access to the media including social media, a growing number of children are experiencing problems with low self-esteem. Our youth especially children of color are inundated with images of beauty and physical appearance that don’t reflect the diversity inherent in our society. This has led to an increase in depression, and suicide rates among young people.
Issue 3- The SARDN Phenomenon
Children now are less physically active than ever before. Only 1 in 3 children are engaged in some type of physical activity daily. Add to that 33% of children in the U.S. are either overweight or obese. Exercise and sports have been replaced with cell phones, social media and gaming resulting in the SARDN Phenomenon (Sitting Around Doing Nothing). Our children are experiencing a health crisis with diseases like diabetes and hypertension on the rise.

We are the Problem, and We Are the Solution
DaWit Publishing emerged out of the need for books addressing these issues for children with Three E’s in Mind:
1 Educate
Books have the power to improve the lives of children. That is why the Young Scientist series of books “Teaches Young Minds through Science and Rhymes” to cultivate a love for STEM in young readers.
The I Love Me series of books teach children that “To be as Happy, Healthy and Successful as can be you first have to start with the words I Love Me” to promote positive self –image.
2 Entertain
Let’s face it. If a book is boring your child will not want to read it. That is why I create stories that are so engaging, that your children learn without even realizing it.
3 Empower
Books have the power to transform lives. After reading one of my books, I want my young readers to feel inspired and called to learn more and do more.